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4 new insurance companies added to the list

The Insurance Regulatory Unit has issued a decision raising the number of companies authorized to issue health insurance policies for the non-graduate expatriates who are 60 years and above to 15 instead of by adding 4 new companies to the list of companies issued earlier.

Al-Anba said the unit has issued the decision No. 9 for the year 2022 updating the approved list of companies qualified to issue a health insurance policy for expatriate workers within the private sector who have reached the age of 60 and above, who hold a high school certificate or less to 15 companies.

The first article of the decision states tghe unit added the following insurance companies to the approved list:
1 – The Kuwait Qatar Insurance Company
2 – Zamzam Takaful Insurance Company
3 – T’azur Takaful Insurance Company
4 – First Takaful Insurance Company

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