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4 Kuwaiti hunters escape unhurt in Iraq

Four Kuwaiti hunters who were on a hunting trip in Iraq, with special protection from the Iraqi army, escaped death yesterday morning when an explosive device – one of the remnants of war in the Rawa desert in Anbar Governorate, western Iraq, went off killing 4 Iraqis, including 3 soldiers and a civilian.

Informed sources told Al-Rai “the hunters numbered four, and they were on a hunting trip with special protection from the Iraqi army,” and said “they went to the Rawa desert in Anbar, some of the areas are relatively unsafe”, as explosive devices still lie buried under the sand and were planted during a war against the terrorist ISIS organization years ago.

The device planted on the side of the road near the security berm surrounding Rawa district exploded hitting the first car carrying the soldiers and a medical employee, killing them on the spot, while none of the Kuwaitis who were in the second car were hurt.”

A security source confirmed to “Alsumaria News” that “the area where the explosion took place contains remnants of war, and it was not examined before the hunted party went on the trip.

Russia Today and Anadolu Agency also reported information from security sources, who suggested that the device was most likely planted by ISIS militants.

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