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4 international entities compete to run ‘Daman’ hospital

The consultant appointed by the Health Insurance Hospitals Company ‘Daman’ to look for a global operating partner, has received requests from 15 parties, while 4 unnamed global operators who met all the technical conditions — administrative and financial – have been shortlisted.

Al-Rai has learned Deloitte, assigned by Daman to participate in the process of supporting the selection and qualification of the operating partner concluded that there are 4 operators from Europe, North America, East Asia, and another from the Arab region, who have global capabilities in areas of health care.

The sources explained the offers of the four operators are will be submitted to the Daman Board of Directors to offer the best healthcare in Kuwait in line with international standards.

The operating partner will be responsible for managing the Daman system of hospitals and primary health care centers in Kuwait, while it will play a strategic role with Daman, being the first healthcare institution in the Middle East with a public-private partnership (PPP) system, and the first company in the Gulf to offer its services based on the Integrated Health Maintenance System (HMO) model.

The sources confirmed that the company’s officials will continue to focus fully on its targeted responsibility in improving health care indicators in Kuwait, and that in this regard efforts are centered on more than one level to operate the company.

In addition, the sources revealed that the completion rate in hospitals is currently close to 70 percent, which indicates that Daman will soon carry out all its responsibilities, which is one of the main elements in the national development plan (New Kuwait 2035).

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