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32% increase in the crimes of the officials’ failure to implement sentences  

The annual report on the work of the Public Prosecution revealed that the crimes of official’s failures to implement judicial rulings amounted to 369 crimes during the past year which is an increase of 32% compared to 2021.

The Public Prosecution announced the annual report for 2022 by presenting the crime statistics in an interactive graphic template to achieve transparency. The most prominent numbers showed that the number of members of the Public Prosecution Service reached 510, while the Public Prosecution Office recorded 39,795 cases in 2022, an increase of 24 percent from 2021.

The annual report further singled out a section to indicate the movement of the most prominent crimes. The contents of this section highlighted that the crimes of failure to submit financial disclosure statements amounted to 1,426 crimes, an increase of 27% from 2021, while the crimes of forging official documents amounted to 611, an increase of 30%. Juvenile crimes recorded the highest record in the history of Kuwait, reaching 5812 crimes, an increase of 10% from 2021 while domestic violence crimes amounted to 2223 crimes, an increase of 42%, and crimes of medical professions and patients’ rights recorded 426 crimes, an increase of 47%. Narcotics and psychotropic substances crimes amounted to 2,687, an increase of 16 percent from 2021, and press, media and information technology crimes amounted to 3,086 crimes, an increase of 28 percent from 2021.

As for the total number of defendants brought before the Public Prosecution in 2022, it amounted to 38,120. Among this the percentage of Kuwaitis was 60 %, and the percentage of males was 89.3 percent. The age group of 30-39 years were the most likely to commit crimes, with a rate of 26.8 percent. The annual report came to show that the Public Prosecution’s completion rate of cases reached 93.8 percent, of which 60 % were referred to criminal trial, 33.4 % were decided to be filed, and 6.6 percent were referred for lack of jurisdiction, while the conviction rate in judicial rulings issued during 2022 for cases referred by the Public Prosecution to the courts was at the rate was at 88.7 %.

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