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3 million doses of the Oxford vaccine for Kuwait

Ministry of Health (MoH) officials are following the latest developments of Corona vaccines, whose clinical trials are currently in the final stages.

Informed MoH sources revealed to Al-Qabas that in the event that any vaccine is officially approved, details and dates of arrival will be announced from the producing companies. Some of which are still awaiting accreditation from international health organizations specialized in vaccines. The sources said MoH is in daily contact with companies manufacturing vaccines.

Although a preliminary agreement has been concluded regarding the import of Corona vaccines, subjected to their official approvals, the agreements and contracts will have no legal consideration if the vaccine does not obtain official accreditation from international organizations.

Sources told the daily that MoH is closely monitoring the latest developments in the vaccine developed by Oxford University, in cooperation with the company, AstraZeneca, in its final stages.

To supply 3 million doses of it when officially approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the British health authorities.

The source stated that the Oxford vaccine does not need a very low temperature to be kept in refrigerators for freezing, as it can be stored at a temperature between 2 and 8 degrees Celsius, and will not require major cooling equipment.

And sources also said that the vaccine showed in the first and second stages a strong immune response in those who underwent clinical trials, as cells begin to show an immune reaction after only 14 days of vaccination, and the body also produces antibodies within 28 days.

The sources suggested that the vaccine will be approved next month in Britain, and if it is approved there, the process of arriving in the country will only take 14 days

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