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2837 male and female engineers are unemployed and waiting for a job

The Secretary of the Society of Engineers, Fahd Al-Otaibi said in a press statement that it was unacceptable that there are 2,837 male and female engineers registered at the Civil Service Bureau who are unemployed, Al Qabas reported.

The aforementioned number for the unemployed engineers until last Friday includes 9 engineering majors. There are 922 engineers from mechanical engineering majors, 764 industrial engineering majors, 462 electrical engineering majors, 240 chemical and 207 from petroleum engineering, 115 Civil engineering major, 72 computer engineering, 42 communications and electronics engineering, and finally 13 environmental engineering engineers.

Al-Otaibi called officials in the Bureau, ministries, and public and private bodies to cooperate, and to open direct communication channels to attract these engineers, pointing out that the presence of the long waiting lists of engineers at a time when companies suffer from a lack of technical-engineering manpower confirms the existence of a defect in the communication mechanisms between the ministries and the Bureau.

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