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25,408 New coronavirus cases in 20 days, MoH urges precautions

The Ministry of Health (MoH) warned that the epidemic curve is a danger indicator. Health officials said that the recent increase in the number of new coronavirus cases could be an indication of the second wave of the epidemic and might be more severe than the first. MoH stressed the need to follow precautionary health requirements to limit the transmission of the virus, Al Qabas reported.

Since the implementation of the partial ban on March 7 until March 26, Saturday, the rate of coronavirus infection has increased at an alarming rate. 25,408 new coronavirus cases and 143 deaths were recorded in just 20 days. Besides, 68 patients were admitted to the corona intensive care unit.

These officials attributed the reasons for the high infection rates to the laxity in applying health requirements. They attributed it to events organized in the mornings and lack of social distancing. They stressed that the presence of one person infected with the virus may transmit the infection to most of the attendees.

 They indicated that work is currently underway to assess the epidemiological situation of the virus in the country.  The Corona Emergency Ministerial Committee submit would submit a report on infection rates, deaths, and recovery rates, prominent observations, and recommendations soon.

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