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2022 last year to complete Kuwaitization; adhere to the replacement plan: CSC tells govt institutions

The Civil Service Commission (CSC) has informed all government institutions that “there are no exceptions in implementing the replacement plan,” and that they are bound by the rules and procedures of ‘Kuwaitization’ especially that 2022 is the last year for implementing the plan, which comes as part of a series of measures taken by the government to address the defective demographic structure and replacing expatriates with citizens in specific jobs.

An official source at the CSC confirmed to Al-Rai that Resolution No. 11 of 2017 of the Commission regarding Kuwaitization of government jobs in ministries and government departments will continue, without exceptions.

The source stated some government institutions had earlier submitted requests to exclude some of their employees from the replacement plan and to reconsider the number of employees to be replaced annually, within the plan, but “the CSC has stuck to its decision, based on its keenness to implement its plan that was approved in 2017.”

The source added “the CSC has been working on the replacement plan since its adoption, without considering the requests of government agencies to reconsider the numbers to be quantified,” saying 2022 will be the last year to implement the replacement plan.

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