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200 companies caught violating the afternoon work ban since June

The Public Authority for Manpower launched an inspection campaign in the construction sites in the West Abdullah Al Mubarak area, to ensure the employers, companies and registered workers are adhering to the decision to halt work in open spaces from 11 am till 4 pm, reports Al Rai daily. This decision was launched from 1 June until the end of August. The campaign discovery of 12 workers working on a government project in violation of the ban.

“The authority prohibits work at noon from the beginning of June until the end of August,” said the head of the Safety Follow-up Section and head of the noon inspection team, Abdul-Mohsen Al-Manis, noting that “at this time the work is tiring and exhausting for the workers and the employers are prevented from employing the workers at this time.”

He added, “The workers are afraid of the employer, and they think we are prepared to penalize them, but we give them a warning first, and we do another check again after 24 hours, and if we find the same behavior, a violation will be recorded.”

On the procedures against violators, he explained that “the file is suspended and the papers transferred to the court, so the violation will be recorded on the number of workers, and the company will be penalized an amount ranging between KD100 to KD200 dinars per worker”, adding that “a symbol will be placed on the company’s file, and in the event the employer does not cooperate, it will be stopped.”

He revealed that the number of companies caught violating the work ban since the beginning of June until now has reached 200 companies, while the number of workers is 350.

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