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190 robberies in 2020 despite coronavirus measures

There were varying degrees of robbery crimes, which reached nearly 200 this year, according to security sources to Al Qabas daily. These crimes included impersonating policemen to arrest passers-bys and rob them of their money, and breaking into homes with singles under the pretext of police work among others.

The daily said, quoting sources that the majority of those who are arrested among the perpetrators are unemployed, former angry employees, and drug addicts, who usually are involved in robberies to take money to fulfill their daily needs, in addition to some expat workers who have no stable income to live on, and are in violation of residency permits and labor regulations.

Though there was the total and partial curfew and the lockdown of some areas for periods of up to three months as part of the measures against the spread of the coronavirus epidemic, the rate of robberies were not affected. The robberies were usually conducted by angry former employees who impersonated their officials, the unemployed and drug addicts, and they were often responsible for entering the homes of singles, stealing passers-by in some areas, among others. Although the number of robbery offences has decreased compared to previous years, there is still a call for more security measures, especially in some of the areas with the highest rates, namely, Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh, Al-Hassawi, and some areas of Jahra, Taima and Al-Oyoun

Among the solutions suggested is an integrated plan between the members of the security sectors is to examine the motives of crimes of robberies and determine ways to reduce the rate, in addition to redistribute and deploy night security patrols in residential areas in proportion to the population density, especially since some robbery crimes are being repeated frequently, which is a cause for concern for citizens and expats.

The daily said, quoting sources that the majority of those who are arrested among the perpetrators are unemployed, former angry employees, and drug addicts, who usually are involved in robberies to take money to fulfill their daily needs, in addition to some expat workers who have no stable income to live on, and are in violation of residency permits and labor regulations.

In addition, an increase in vehicle theft was reported last month by Al-Qabas daily to become a new daily phenomenon in Kuwait. Among the reasons given by a security source for the high rate of thefts – especially vehicles – was the lack of spread and distribution of security patrols in residential areas. These areas recorded the highest rates of theft, mainly due to the carelessness of some citizens and expats who leave their vehicles idling for a minute, and the weak security presence in some areas.

The daily reported last month that there are hundreds of these vehicle theft cases, where the thieves have not been arrested. The theft cases are registered against unknown persons, and they have opportunities to commit new thefts. Some of the thieves are professional gangs that trade in stolen cars, which are used for spare parts and scrap to be sold as retail. Most of these thieves are drug addicts who search for money or valuable property inside the stolen cars, then abandon them at any location. This sort of daily occurrences has emerged recently.

The security source urged people not to store money, valuables and precious items as well as high-priced devices inside their cars.

The daily, quoting a security source, pointed to the existence of a large number of marginal workers and residency offenders estimated at tens of thousands who represent a threat to the security situation in the country.


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