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154 million dinars, proceeds of renewing expats residence permits in 2022

The Ministry of Interior, Public Authority for Manpower, the Public Authority for Civil Information and health insurance, in partnership with the Central Administration for Statistics, said expatriates paid approximately 1.4 million dinars to renew their work permits in the private sector during the past year.

The Al-Qabas daily has learned 109 million dinars were paid by Article 18 employees, in addition to 2.7 million dinars paid by 22.2 thousand residents who joined the business last year.

The workers in the family sector, “domestic workers,” also paid 15 million dinars for renewing their annual residency and health insurance, and another 28.6 million dinars were paid by 520,000 residents who joined the family.

The value of financial payments decreased for those who obtained to Article 24 (self sponsor) residency, and those who obtained an investor’s residence according to Article 19 paid approximately 200 thousand dinars.

The state bears paying 6.3 million dinars to the 97,880,000 residents working in the government sector, the majority of whom work in medical services, health and education, at a rate of 76.5%.

Annual residency revenues decline by 3.5 million dinars due to the presence of violators of the residency law, whose number exceeds 133,000.

A single resident in Kuwait annually costs approximately 70 dinars, in exchange for renewing a work permit, health insurance, residence and civil card, if he is registered in the labor market, and it decreases for domestic workers to an annual value of 20 dinars and between 55 and 65 dinars for those who join a family, sponsor himself, and investors.

Details of residence fees

109 million dinars, the value of residence permits for private sector expatriates

15 million dinars, the value of residence permits for domestic workers

200,000 dinars, the value of residency for a self-sponsor

6.3 million dinars, the value of residency for government employees

3.5 million dinars owed by residence violators

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