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15 residence and labor law violators referred for deportation

The Al-Rai daily, said they were arrested in the Al-Khuwaisat area specifically on the Subbiya Bridge during a security campaign. They also arrested 300 people for renting ATVs to children without legal justification.

The campaign was launched under instructions from the Assistant Undersecretary of the Ministry of Interior for the Public Security Sector, Major General Abdullah Al-Rajaib, in cooperation with the Committee for Removing Camps and Violations in the Jahra Municipality.

Security sources told Al-Rai that “the aim of the campaign put an end to what the security authorities called an end to camp chaos, negative phenomena and street vendors during the camping season.”

The sources went on to say, “Cases have been registered against some people for illegally exploiting state property for the purpose of earning money and cases have been filed against parents, for leaving their children without protection and endangering their lives.”

The sources added that “15 marginal workers and street vendors were referred for deportation center for violating the residence and labor laws.”

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