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140 reports of bank accounts stolen in two months

Organized international gangs are  targeting bank clients to steal their bank accounts, and have so far in the past two months, stolen some clients’ accounts and seized large sums of money,  Al-Qabas said, quoting security sources.

The security authorities have received about 140 reports over the past two months, with the gang members have new methods for defrauding bank clients. One method relies on sending text messages from phone numbers similar to local networks that inform clients of winning cash prizes, or informing those about debts and bank loans against them whose installments will be postponed for longer periods in exchange for important details such as passwords or account numbers, and any other information that helps them access their bank accounts.

The daily added, quoting sources, that many of the victims also received direct phone calls from the numbers of local telecommunications companies of people claiming to be employees of local banks, and they requested customers for some important details before seizing their accounts. The Cyber ​​Crime Department warned against responding to these types of texts or messages, and urged people to completely ignore them to avoid falling prey to these criminals, noting that despite numerous warnings, some clients still are fleeced by these gangs.

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