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1,001 new coronavirus infections, 5 deaths

Ministry of Health (MoH) declared on Wednesday that 960 patients of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) have been cured in the past 24 hours. Speaking during his daily briefing, the MoH official spokesperson Dr. Abdullah Al-Sanad said the tally of the patients who have been cured of the virus has hit 175,048.

The proportion of the cured of the total casualties was estimated at 93.6 percent. Up to 1,001 persons contracted the virus over the past 24 hours, raising the total infections to 187,005, in addition to five new deaths with the death toll hitting 1,062 since the local eruption of the pandemic months ago, Dr. Al-Sanad added.

Number of sick persons receiving treatment at intensive care units amounted to 147, thus putting the whole count of the confirmed infection cases that remained under treatment at 10,895. He added that swab tests conducted over the past 24 hours reached 8,724 raising the whole count of such examinations to 1.755,500.

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