Kuwait’s sky to witness Suhail star at dawn on September 4
The appearance of the Najm Suhail marks the beginning of a new seasonal period, coinciding with shorter daylight hours and a drop in temperature.

The star Suhail can be observed in Kuwait just before sunrise with a small telescope from the southeast and will become clearly visible to the naked eye three days later in the same direction.
The Al-Ajiri Center Scientific Center announced on Sunday that Kuwait’s sky will witness the appearance of Najm Suhail on September 4, with the star visible at dawn in the southern sky, Al Qabas newspaper reported.
The center added in a statement to KUNA that Suhail is one of the most important stars in the Arabian Peninsula, shining with a reddish hue, and ranks second in brightness after the star of the Yemeni poets.
It explained that Suhail can be observed early in the morning, just before sunrise, using a small telescope from the southeast. The star will become clearly visible to the naked eye three days later in the same direction before sunrise.
It was noted that Najm Suhail continues to rise earlier each day and will be most visible around midnight during December and January.
The center explained that the delay in the star’s appearance in the Kuwaiti sky is due to Kuwait’s geographical location north of the Arabian Peninsula, where the star first appears in the south before rising to a position visible from Kuwait.
It was also mentioned that the appearance of this star marks the beginning of a new seasonal period, coinciding with shorter daylight hours, a decline in the sun’s angle, and a drop in temperature.